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Monday, October 29, 2007

Consumer Electronics:Articles

Television - What You Need to Do Before 2009

October 24, 2007

Changes are coming in the world of television. Traditional over-the-air television broadcasts will cease on February 18, 2009 and all stations will broadcast digitally. Although the majority of consumers already have the equipment and services necessary to continue to receive their television programming, there will still be an estimated 20 million who will need to take action if they want to continue viewing programming. The digital switch over will occur in order to free up those portions of the broadcast spectrum, which traditional analog broadcasts currently occupy, for use by wire... (read more)

8 Essentials Of Buying A Camcorder Online

October 21, 2007

The market today is flooded with options and even when you want to purchase a camcorder you can be confused by the number of brands and configurations. When you want to but a camcorder, think about what you intend to use the camcorder for and how extensive your use will be. Don’t just buy the most expensive because it takes your fancy.
The World Wide Web is the most comprehensive source for buying camcorders. Online e-commerce sites offer a wide range of camcorders manufactured by leading brands Sony, Panasonic, Nikon, and more. Always comparison shop this will give you an idea of not... (read more)

Author: Arthur Raise | Article Views: 19

Consumer Electronics Design Positions And How To Get Them

August 22, 2007

Some of the most innovative items on the market today are consumer electronics items. There are too many items to name here, but a few of them illustrate the ingenuity of consumer electronics designers and professionals. Products like the PlayStation Portable, the Roomba vacuum cleaning robot, and the Dyson bag-less vacuum cleaner show that there is a high level of creativity and ingenuity in the consumer electronics field. For professional tinkerers, technicians, and designers alike, there is a need for more workers in the consumer electronics field.
The problem for young professionals ... (read more)

Author: Talis Man

Consumer Electronics: Dazing the Users

June 18, 2007

Imagine your life without consumer electronics. What if someday you have to do without your DVD player, music players, computers and telephones? Surely, it is very tough to imagine even a single day of our lives without these products. Such is the state of our comfort and dependency, that we cannot rule these consumer electronics out of our lives.
And perhaps, the manufacturing companies are aware of this weakness of ours and they are unceasingly and religiously coming up with more and more innovations in these technological gadgets. The powerful brands like LG, Samsung, Philips, and Sony... (read more)

Author: Fletcher Mak

The Inside Picture Of A Digital Camera

May 26, 2007

Electronics greatest technological breakthrough in this modern age is the digitization of analog signals. Digital information, which is represented by 1s and 0s, is formed upon successful conversion of analog information, which is represented by a fluctuating wave. This conversion of analog to digital has made the world of science and technology make great advances into the field of computers, Internet, satellites, and space research.
On the consumer domain, the benefits of this technological breakthrough can be witnessed in consumer electronic products like TVs, computers, cameras, camco... (read more)

Author: Roberto Sedycias

The New Consumer Electronics Industry

Before, giants in the consumer electronics industry were reaping in most of the huge numbers while retailers were going home suffering from low sales. However, it seems like the tables have already been turned. This time around, retailers are seemingly taking home huge sales while the giants seemed to be suffering from low turnouts. It seems like the whole consumer electronics industry would be experiencing a shakeout soon enough. Experts in the field have been saying that perhaps this phenomenon would all be because the giant manufacturers of consumer electronics became too lax in their strategies in the market. All the while, the retailers expanded their ranges and headed out towards creating quite a number of chains. Experts also found out that the Internet that has once helped out the consumer electronics giants like Sony, Philips, and Samsung is now a strong ally for retailers.Fundamentally, the changes in the consumer electronics industry are not being driven by product evolution, but by fluctuations in the industry's business models. Companies that are capable of change and those that develop branding will be most successful.

Consumer Electronics:Shopping Online

As in recent years, experts are forecasting that consumer electronics will top wish lists in the upcoming holiday season. And, although some shoppers continue to favor brick-and-mortar stores, an increasing number of consumers are finding better prices and greater selections of consumer electronics through online stores.Shopping for consumer electronics can be difficult because you have so many options. Consumer electronics such as a new DVD player, portable audio components, an MP3 player, computer, and digital camera are often hard to buy in the store because pushy sales people hound you. It's hard enough to determine what you want from your audio equipment, or even household items, clothing, and collectibles, but when you have a sales person hounding you and pressuring your, it becomes even more difficult. Buying consumer electronics doesn't have to be difficult. One of the best ways to buy the items you want and need is to shop online for them. There are a lot of great retailers online that can hook you up with new video games, a new computer, that digital camera you've been looking at, or gifts for your family and friends. When you shop with online retailers you don't have to deal with pushy sales people that have their own motives in selling you a particular product. What's even better is that when you shop online you can often buy the products you want and need at wholesale prices. Consumer electronics are often way over priced if you shop locally. That MP3 player that you have been looking at locally may be purchased for up to 30% less if you shop online with the right retailer or wholesale vendor. The same can be said for a DVD player, portable audio equipment, video games, computer equipment, digital cameras, and more, making online shopping a great way to get the most for your money.